About us...
Round tvoria aktivisti z LGBTQIA+ komunity, vypĺňajúci prázdny priestor v komunitných aktivitách.
Situácia LGBTQIA+ komunity sa zhoršuje – postavenie ľudí z tejto komunity, ako aj pohľad na ich život a zároveň sa zmenšujú možnosti na ich kvalitný život. Toto všetko má za následok uzatváranie a rozbíjanie členov komunity do menších celkov. Našou úlohou je skúsiť pospájať členov LGBTQIA+ komunity do jedného celku pomocou aktivít pre „začiatočníkov“ a aj „skúsených“ členov. Rovnako tak si dávame za úlohu rozširovať povedomie o LGBTQIA+ komunite.
We try to bring not only "proven classics" in activities, but also completely new ones that reflect current events. If you have an idea that supports the community, come and we will discuss the possibilities. Or just join 😉
Team Round
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahátmá Gándhí
Our vision:
We work to make the world a place where every creature can identify as they feel - with their personality, their sexuality, their gender without fear or alienation from society.
Our mission:
Add a hand to the work and support for:
- new memberships in the ranks of activism and activities that lead to increased awareness regarding not only queer topics
- a platform for sharing knowledge not only for the queer community
- building a local community
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